Nada Abdo
MA in Audiovisual Translation
Class of 2016
Nada Abdo is a recent graduate of the MA in Audiovisual Translation Program. Nada also holds a PhD in Linguistics and Phonetics and taught at Taiz University in Yemen before pursuing her studies at TII. She is currently working as an expert translator at the Public Prosecution Office in Doha, Qatar. Reflecting on her two years at TII, Nada explains that she chose to study audiovisual translation because she “wanted to explore a new academic field. I have always been interested in translation, but audiovisual translation specifically because it is such a new field in the Arab world. I chose TII because it is a renowned institution, and it is the first and only to offer this field in the region.” As a full-time employee and MA student, and a mother to five children, Nada identified time management as her biggest challenge, but she feels she always did her best to balance her time between her family, her work, and her studies.
Nada recently travelled to Poland to present a paper at the 2016 edition of the ‘Audio Description and its Borders’ conference. Her paper, titled ‘Women are from Venus; Men are from Mars: How is Audio Description Affected by Gender?’, explains that research in the field of sociolinguistics and related fields has shown that women and men speak differently, which she proposes could entail that men and women are likely to translate differently. Nada focuses her paper on audio description specifically, and describes her paper as a “small-scale exploratory study which attempts to examine how audio description is affected by the gender of the translator.” Moving forward after graduation, Nada is interested in learning more about Translation Technologies.