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German Course Descriptions for Adults
German Course Descriptions for Adults
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) was developed by the Council of Europe. The aim was to ensure that language acquisition, the application of language and the language competency of students in Europe were transparent and comparable. To do so, the CEFR examined the partial qualifications (reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing and speaking) and formulated six levels of competency. This provides a basis for curricular guidelines, learning materials and qualifications in European language work.
The Levels of the CEFR
The basic levels are:
A: Basic user (divided into beginner courses and pre-intermediate courses)
B: Independent user (divided into intermediate courses and upper-intermediate courses)
C: Proficient user (divided into advanced courses) (currently not offered at TII Language center)
For teaching purposes, sub-levels are offered in different options for a more relaxed or for faster learning purposes.
In this course you acquire basic communication skills. You will be able to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at meeting immediate needs in any part of the German-speaking world. The focus is on introducing yourself to others, greetings and farewells as well as talking about personal information, likes and dislikes, shopping and describing things and people. You can interact in a simple way. You also acquire basic grammatical structures and tenses. The course is conducted in German with some instructions given in English.
Beginner Part 1, A1.1 (40 hours)
Prerequisites: This course is for true beginners and no prior knowledge of the language is expected.
Textbook: Menschen Sechsbandige Ausgabe: Kursbuch A1/1 and Arbeitsbuch with Audio-CD (German Edition) Jan 24, 2012 ISBN 9783193019011
Beginner Part 2, A1.2 (40 hours)
Prerequisites: This course is for students, who have successfully completed A1.1 at TII Language Center, any Goethe Institut or equivalent.
Textbook: Menschen Sechsbandige Ausgabe: Kursbuch A1/1 and Arbeitsbuch with Audio-CD (German Edition) Jan 24, 2012 ISBN 9783193019011 and Menschen Sechsbandige Ausgabe
After this course you will be able to understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). You can communicate in simple and routine tasks, requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. You acquire the ability to describe aspects of your background in a simple way. The course is conducted in German with some instructions given in English.
German Pre-Intermediate part 1, A2.1 (40 hours)
Prerequisites: This course is for students who have completed A1 at TII Language Center, any Goethe Institut or equivalent. Credentials of course completion are required. Students may also be asked to take a placement test. All other students with prior knowledge of German are welcome to join after taking a placement test.
Textbook: Menschen Sechsbandige Ausgabe: Kursbuch A2/1 and Arbeitsbuch with Audio-CD (German Edition) Jan 24, 2012 ISBN 978319351902-3
German Pre-Intermediate part 2, A2.2 (40 hours)
Prerequisites: This course is for students who have completed Pre-Intermediate part 1 at TII Language Center, any Goethe Institut or equivalent. Credentials of course completion are required. Students may also be asked to take a placement test. All other students with prior knowledge of German are welcome to join after taking a placement test.
Textbook: Menschen Sechsbandige Ausgabe: Kursbuch A2/2 and Arbeitsbuch with Audio-CD (German Edition) Jan 24, 2012
German Intermediate part 1 and 2 = B1
In this course you acquire the ability to understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. You will be able to deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. You can produce simple connected texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. You are able to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
German Intermediate part 1, B1.1 (40 hours)
Prerequisites: This course is for students who have completed A2 at TII Language Center, any Goethe Institut or equivalent. Credentials of course completion are required. Students may also be asked to take a placement test. All other students with prior knowledge of German are welcome to join after taking a placement test.
You will need two courses to complete the whole B1 level.
Textbook: Menschen Sechsbandige Ausgabe: Kursbuch B1 and Arbeitsbuch with Audio-CD (German Edition) Jan 24, 2012 ISBN 9783191019037
German Intermediate part 2, B1.2 (40 hours)
Prerequisites: This course is for students who have completed Intermediate part 1 at TII Language Center, or B1.1, B1.2 at any Goethe Institute or equivalent. Credentials of course completion are required. Students may also be asked to take a placement test. All other students with prior knowledge of German are welcome to join after taking a placement test.
This is the second course to complete the B1 level.
Textbook: Menschen Sechsbandige Ausgabe: Kursbuch B1 and Arbeitsbuch with Audio-CD (German Edition) Jan 24, 2012 ISBN 9783191019037
Upper-Intermediate part 1 and 2 = B2
In this course you will learn to understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization. You can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. You will be able to produce clear, detailed texts on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Upper-Intermediate part 1, B2.1 (40 hours)
Prerequisites: This course is for students who have completed B1 at TII Language Center, any Goethe Institut or equivalent. Credentials of course completion are required. Students may also be asked to take a placement test. All other students with prior knowledge of German are welcome to join after taking a placement test.
You will need two courses to complete the whole B2 level.
Textbook: B2 Sicher; Kursbuch Sicher, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, B2 Kursbuch (German Edition) ISBN 9783190012077 and B2 Sicher; Arbeitsbuch mit Audio CD-Rom Sicher, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, B2 Arbeitsbuch mit Audio CD-Rom (German Edition) ISBN 9783190112074
Upper-Intermediate part 2, B2.2 (40 hours)
Prerequisites: This course is for students who have completed the Upper-Intermediate part 1 course at TII Language Center, or a B2.1, B2.2 course at any Goethe Institut or equivalent. Credentials of course completion are required. Students may also be asked to take a placement test. All other students with prior knowledge of German are welcome to join after taking a placement test.
This is your second course to complete the B2 level.
Textbook: B2 Sicher; Kursbuch Sicher, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, B2 Kursbuch (German Edition) ISBN 9783190012077 and B2 Sicher; Arbeitsbuch mit Audio CD-Rom Sicher, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, B2 Arbeitsbuch mit Audio CD-Rom (German Edition) ISBN 9783190112074