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French Course Descriptions for Adults
French Course Descriptions for Adults
Are you planning to visit a French speaking country but you don’t speak a word of French? Do you want to be able to speak enough to travel and meet people and to interact with them a little bit? You cannot commit to coming to class for a too long period of time? Then, this is the right course for you. Join our new course format, 40 hours in 6 weeks. The pace of the two and a half hours classallows for more interactions; you focus on the listening and speaking skills in situations using various documents instead of a specifictextbook. Engage freely and communicatively in the language.
This is a course for the true beginner who wishes to handle travel situations and everyday life interactions. After taking this course you will be able to go to travel agencies, airports, tourist information offices, hotels and pharmacies. You will also be able to ask about locations in a new city, make phone bookings, order in restaurants, shop, etc. You will be able to introduce yourself and others, ask and answer questions about yourself and have simple conversations about your life, occupation, the people you know, and the things you own. In this course you learn to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases. This class is conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; you learn through games and role play, using authentic and quasi-authentic materials.
Prerequisites: No prior knowledge of French is expected.
Textbook: No textbook is used for this course. The instructor brings relevant created and authentic materials to class.
Have you studied French in the past and forgotten it? Do you have some basics and wish to learn more and gain practice? Would you like to brush up on your French in preparation for a trip to France or another French-speaking country? You cannot commit to coming to class for a too long period of time?Then come and join our new course format, 40 hours in 6 weeks. The pace of the two and a half hours classallows for more interactions; you focus on the listening and speaking skills in situations using various documents instead of a specifictextbook. Engage freely and communicatively with the language.
This course focuses on practicing listening and speaking skills in authentic and quasi-authentic situations. Through a variety of activities, including role play, you simulate booking reservations online or via a travel agency, as well as situations which might happen during your trip. You engage in conversations at airports, hotels, travel information offices, restaurants, shops, medical facilities, museums, and others. In this course, you gain confidence to explore the language and build on your knowledge.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited for students who have completed Fast-track French Beginner 1 or equivalent.
Textbook: No textbook is used for this course. The instructor brings relevant created and authentic materials to class.
Have you taken a French course and want to learn more and put into practice what you have learned? Would you like to brush up on your language skills before visiting any French-speaking country? You cannot commit to coming to class for a too long period of time?Then the Fast-track Pre-intermediate 1 course is the right course for you! Join our new course format, 40 hours in 6 weeks. The pace of the two and a half hours classallows for more interactions. You focus more on the listening and speaking skills in situations using various documents instead of a specifictextbook. Engage freely and communicatively with the language.
In this course, you go deeper into the French language and you expand your repertoire of expression to move towards fluency. You acquire sufficient linguistic competence to understand and use daily expressions frequently used in any part of the French-speaking world and to interact on a basic level with native speakers. After taking this course you will be able to talk about past and future events, elaborate on your likes and dislikes and start giving your opinion.
The class is conducted in French, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. You practice all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - with greater emphasis on listening and speaking. This is achieved through various activities as well as games, role play, and authentic and quasi-authentic materials in order to place the language in context and engage in a wider range of conversations and situations.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited for students who have completed Fast-track French Beginner 2 or equivalent.
Are you interested in learning a new language of international dimension? For pleasure? For work? Because you intend to visit a French-speaking country but you do not know a word of French? Do you want to be able to read or listen to French and understand what it is about? Then, this is the right course for you.
This is a course for the true beginner who wishes to start learning the language to handle greetings, introductions, everyday life interactions and travelling situations. After taking this course you will be able to introduce yourself and others, ask and answer questions about yourself and have simple conversations such as where you live, what you do in life, people you know, and things you own. In this course you learn to understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases. The class is conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. You practice all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - using various activities, games, role play, authentic and quasi-authentic materials in order to start understanding the language in its cultural context and engage in conversations.
Prerequisites: No prior knowledge of the language is expected.
- Totem 1: Méthode de français A1, Marie-José Lopes – Jean-Thierry Le Bougnec. Hachette Français Langue Étrangère, 2014. See teaser here: http://youtu.be/f8D61vFWZMc
- Supplementary audio, visual, and web-based,authentic and other relevant materials are brought to class by the instructor.
Have you studied French in the past and forgotten it? Do you have some basics and wish to learn more and gain practice? Would you like to brush up on your French in preparation for a visit to France or another French-speaking country? Then come and join Beginner 2!
This course is for students with some knowledge and skills of the language who wish to continue on to a higher level to handle a wider range of everyday life interactions. This course gives you the opportunity to improve and practice all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - in authentic and quasi-authentic situations through a variety of activities, including role play. You gain the confidence to explore the language and build on your knowledge. After taking this course you will be able to talk about your likes and dislikes, talk about others, describe them, give advice or instructions, express your needs, go food shopping, order in restaurants, talk about recreation and cultural activities, discuss past events, etc. You will understand more of the language and engage in a wider range of conversations and situations. The class is conducted in French in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited for students who have completed French Beginner 1 or equivalent.
- Totem 1: Méthode de français A1, Marie-José Lopes – Jean-Thierry Le Bougnec. Hachette Français Langue Étrangère, 2014. See teaser here: http://youtu.be/f8D61vFWZMc
- Supplementary audio, visual, and web-based,authentic and other relevant materials are brought to class by the instructor.
Have you taken a French course and want to learn more and put into practice what you have learned? Would you like to brush up on your language skills before visiting any French-speaking country? Then the Pre-Intermediate 1 course is the right course for you! At that level, you focus more on the listening and speaking skills in situations to engage freely and communicatively with the language.
In this course, you go deeper into the French language and you expand your repertoire of expression to move towards fluency. You acquire sufficient linguistic competence to understand and use daily expressions frequently used in any part of the French-speaking world and to interact on a basic level with native speakers. After taking this course you will be able to talk about past and future events, elaborate on your likes and dislikes and start giving your opinion.
The class is conducted in French, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. You practice all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - with greater emphasis on listening and speaking. This is achieved through various activities as well as games, role play, and authentic and quasi-authentic materials in order to place the language in context and engage in a wider range of conversations and situations.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited for students who have completed French Beginner 2 or equivalent.
Totem 2: Méthode de français A2. Marie-José Lopes – Jean-Thierry Le Bougnec, Hachette Français Langue Étrangère. 2014. See teaser here: http://youtu.be/f8D61vFWZMc
Supplementary audio, visual, and web-based,authentic and other relevant materials are brought to class by the instructor.
Do you have some good knowledge of French but cannot always find the right words to express yourself in everyday situations and even less in more complex conversations with natives? Do you want to practice your French and enrich it? Are you shy about your accent? If so, this is the right course for you. At that level, you focus more on the listening and speaking skills in situations to engage freely and communicatively with the language.
In this course, you develop greater fluency in everyday situations and situations where your opinion is needed. You react and interact with others, expand your repertoire and your range of idiomatic expressions and begin to sound like the French; you are able to interact in a fluid way in a variety of situations. After taking this course you will have acquired linguistic competenceto characterize, describe, locate places, express opinions and organize your discourse.
The class is conducted in French, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; you practice all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - with greater emphasis on listening and speaking. This is achieved through various activities as well as games, role play, and authentic and quasi-authentic materials in order to place the language in context and engage in a wider range of conversations and situations.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited for students who have completed French Pre-Intermediate 1 or equivalent.
- Totem 2: Méthode de français A2. Marie-José Lopes – Jean-Thierry Le Bougnec, Hachette Français Langue Étrangère. 2014. See teaser here: http://youtu.be/f8D61vFWZMc
- Supplementary audio, visual, and web-based,authentic and other relevant materials are brought to class by the instructor.
Do you speak French but you cannot understand more complex texts, articles, speeches or full-speed French conversations? Do you want to sound more like a native speaker?
In this course you deepen your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar through reading, discussing and presenting on various topics. You engage in debates and are asked to offer opinions. This courseequips you with the linguistic and cultural skills to read and write more complicated texts, such as articles and journalism, as well as to take part in conversations with native speakers. By the end of this course, you will have broken the barrier between your “textbook” French and the idiomatic language of native speakers. You will gain confidence and linguistic competence to express yourself, your ideas, aspirations, and opinions,and speak more precisely and with greater ease on various topics.
The class is conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. You practice all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited for students who have completed Pre-Intermediate 2 or equivalent.
- Totem 3: Méthode de français B1, Marie-José Lopes – Jean-Thierry Le Bougnec. Hachette Français Langue Étrangère. 2015. See teaser here: http://youtu.be/f8D61vFWZMc.
- Supplementary audio, visual, and web-based,authentic and other relevant materials are brought to class by the instructor.
Do you speak good French? Do you want to polish it and build upon it? Are you interested in culture and current events in France and the Francophone world?
This course is designed to enhance your oral and written communication skills and understanding of everyday French, emphasizing everyday topics and communication with native speakers. At this level you expand your vocabulary and grammar and strengthen your capacity to engage in complex conversations. Through interactive and multimedia materials and activities, various texts and articles, you practice expressing opinions, agreements and disagreements, using more nuanced vocabulary. Setting aside the traditional textbook format, we engage with real-world situations.
The class is conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; you practice all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited for students who have completed French Intermediate 1 or equivalent.
- Totem 3: Méthode de français B1, Marie-José Lopes – Jean-Thierry Le Bougnec. Hachette Français Langue Étrangère. 2015. See teaser here: http://youtu.be/f8D61vFWZMc
- Supplementary audio, visual, and web-based,authentic and other relevant materials are brought to class by the instructor.
You are getting there! Are you interested in going deeper into the language?
This course provides you with the linguistic competences to allow you to express yourself in French in most everyday situations as well as in other life circumstances that do not require very specialized use of the language. You learn how to argue points of view, present arguments and use idiomatic expressions both in speaking and in writing. In this course you also discuss identities, origins, character and personality, you give advice and personal opinions, as well as you express conditions and desires. You also discuss learning languages, media and press commenting also on the news, human migrations, mobility and travels, cities and living spaces.By the end of this course, you will have no great difficulty reading or listening and understanding (contemporary) authentic French documents.
The class is conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; you practice all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited for students who have completedFrench Intermediate 2 or equivalent.
- Édito Niveau B2: Méthode de français, Élodie Heu – Jean-Jacques Mabilat. Didier. 2015.
- Supplementary audio, visual, and web-based, authentic and other relevant materials are brought to class by the instructor.
Almost there, getting closer every day to mastering the language! Becoming an advanced independent user of the language. Are you interested in going further, becoming more and more accurate?
This course provides you with the linguistic competences to allow you to understand extended speeches or texts such as articles concerned with contemporary problems or literary proses, and interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interactions with native speakers easier. You are able to take an active part in discussions in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining your viewpoints. You can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to your field of interest and you can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. You learn how to communicate with precision using the correct register and level of formality to make a point or to express nuances appropriate to the situation. You can refer to topics implied in a conversation or digress and change the subject. You are able to write clear and detailed texts, essays, reviews or reports on various subjects, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view. You write also letters highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences. In this course you acquire resources, vocabulary and grammatical structures, to talk about health and medicine, socio-economic changes and environmental problems related to a city, a country or worldwide, you can express moods, impressions, emotions or feelings, talk about your daily life, art and cultural products, your tastes and your interest or disinterest making positive or negative appreciations.
The class is conducted entirely in French,in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; you practice all four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited for students who have completedFrench Upper-Intermediate 1 or equivalent.
- Édito Niveau B2: Méthode de français, Élodie Heu – Jean-Jacques Mabilat. Didier. 2015.
- Supplementary audio, visual, and web-based, authentic and other relevant materials are brought to class by the instructor.
Are you planning to spend your holidays in a French-speaking country but you do not speak a word of French? Do you want to be able to speak enough to be able to travel? Knowing and mastering a significant bit of French could make your trip even more enjoyable; isn’t it pleasant to feel closer to the way French people live. Then, this is the right course for you.
This is a specialized short course for the true beginner who wishes to handle travelling situations and everyday life interactions. After taking this course you will be able to go to travel agencies, airports, tourist information offices, hotels, pharmacies and ask about locations in a new city. You will make phone bookings, order in restaurants, buy in shops, etc. You will learn some useful phrases to know before travelling. The class is conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; you will use games, role plays and authentic materials to engage in conversations in semi-authentic situations.
Prerequisites: None. This class is best suited to students who have not previously studied French.
Textbook: No textbook is used during this course. The instructor brings relevant created and authentic materials to class.
Would you like to practice your French in situations? Sign up now for our popular workshop "Play with French!”
In this workshop, you practice the language through games. Various activities are offered using poetry, songs, games and theatre.
This workshop aims at improving your oral skills and sharing experiences with other TII or outside students of French.
Prerequisites: The workshop is open to all current TII Language Center French students and the broader community; participants should have had a minimum of 20 hours of French language instruction. Registration is necessary.
Material: The instructor brings relevant materials for the workshop.
Have you studied French in the past? Do you have some basics and wish to practice? Would you like to brush up your French in preparation for your holidays? Then come and join the “Speak French 1” course!
This course focuses on communication skills. Through a variety of activities, including role-play, booking reservations online or via a travel agency and replicate situations you will face on your trip at a tourist information offices, restaurants, shops, hotels, airports, medical facilities, museums to name a few.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited to students who have passed French Beginner 1 or equivalent.
Textbook: No textbook is used during this course. The instructor brings relevant materials to class.
Have you taken a French course and want to practice what you have learned? Would you like to brush up on your language skills before your holidays? Then “Speak French 2” is the right course for you!
This course will delveinto French so youcanexpand your knowledgeto express yourself with more fluency. Learners will understand and use daily expressionused in the French-speaking world to interact with native speaker.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited to students who have passed French Beginner 2 or equivalent (see placement test).
Textbook: No textbook is used during this course. The instructor brings relevant materials to class.
Do you have priorknowledge of French and aim for accuracyexpressing yourself in everyday situations? Do you want to practice and expand on your current knowledge? Would you like to gain confidence and improve your pronunciation?
Then this is the right course for you. You will develop greater fluency in expressing yourselfand interacting with native speakers. You will gain language accuracy and hone your oral skillsto interacteffectivelyin a variety of situations.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited to students who have passed French Pre-Intermediate 1 and/or Pre-Intermediate 2, or equivalent.
Textbook: No textbook is used during this course. The instructor brings relevant materials to class.
Do you wish to understand French media, read challenging written documents or to have faster conversations in French?
In this course, you will be exposed to a variety topics in French culture and current events. You can engage in debates, and express opinions. This course will provide you with the language and cultural skills to understand documents, such as newspaper articles, literary texts, songs or current media events, as well as take part in conversations with native speakers. By the end of this course, you will gain access to the fluency of native speakers and speak with greater ease on various topics.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited to students who have passed French Intermediate 1 or Intermediate 2, orequivalent (see placement test).
Textbook: No textbook is used during this course. The instructor brings relevant materials to class.
Are you a Francophile? Do you follow current events? Are you interested in understanding better and learning more about the contemporary French language? Then Culture Française & Actualité is your course.
In this course students participate in the selection of topics and materials. You practice listening, speaking and reading language skills, with the purpose of understanding documents of a more complex nature. This course gives you the opportunity to practice oral skills through socio-cultural themes in authentic materials. You will focus on presenting, analyzing and debating various topics from a variety of sources including the written press, the Internet, television, literature, songs and films. That requires more advanced grammatical skills which you will improve in the process. This course will follow a constructivist approach to language learning.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited for students who have completed French Upper-Intermediate 1 or Upper-Intermediate 2, or equivalent.
Textbook: No textbook is used during this course. The instructor and student will contribute relevant materials to class.
Are you planning to spend your holidays in a French-speaking country but you do not speak French yet? Do you want to be able to speak enough to be able to travel independently? Knowing and mastering a significant bit of French will make your trip even more enjoyable. This is the right course for you.
This is a topic specific short course for the true beginner who wishes to handle travelling situations and everyday life interactions. After taking this course you will be able to go to travel agencies, airports, tourist information offices, hotels, pharmacies and ask about locations in a new city. You will make phone bookings, order in restaurants, buy in shops, etc. You will learn some useful phrases to know before traveling. The class is conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; you will use games, role plays and authentic materials to engage in conversations in semi-authentic situations.
Prerequisites: None. This class is best suited to students who have not previously studied French.
Textbook: No textbook is used during this course. The instructor uses relevant and authentic materials in class.
In this course, you will complete the D.E.L.F. level. This level is an indispensable addition to your curriculum vitae, especially when it comes to convince prospective employers of your linguistic qualities and abilities. This course takes you to the next level for personal, educational or professional purposes.
This course provides you with the sufficient competences to understand complex speeches or texts and interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interactions with native speakers easier. You can understand complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in different subjects. You can also understand technical article in the user’s area of expertise. For many reasons
In this course, you are able to write clear and detailed critics, essays and texts on a wide range of subjects. After this course, you will be able write with a degree of proficiency and communicate with spontaneity and fluency during a conversation with native speakers.
The class is conducted entirely in French,in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; you practice all four-language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Prerequisites:This class is best suited for students who have completedFrench Upper-Intermediate 1 or equivalent.
Textbook: Édito Niveau B2: Méthode de français, Élodie Heu – Jean-Jacques Mabilat. Didier. 2015. Supplementary audio, visual, and web-based,authentic and other relevant materials are brought to class by the instructor.
Did you take French for travelers 1 and you would like to continue with us in the same format? Have you studied French in the past and forgotten it? Do you have some basics and wish to learn and practice more? Would you like to brush up on your French in preparation for a trip to France or another French-speaking country? Do you want be able to travel independently? This is the right course for you. Knowing and mastering a significant bit of French will make your trip even more enjoyable. This course focuses on listening and speaking skills in real life situations. Through a variety of activities, including role-play, you simulate booking reservations online or via a travel agency, as well as situations which might happen during your trip. You engage in conversations at airports, hotels, travel information offices, restaurants, shops, medical facilities, museums, and so on. In this course, you gain more confidence to use and explore the language and build on your prior knowledge. The class is conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; you will use games, role-play and authentic materials to engage in conversations within the traveling context.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited to students who have taken French For Travelers 1 or have 20 hours contact-class in French Language.
Textbook: No textbook is used during this course. The instructor brings relevant created and authentic materials to class
In this level, you deepen your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar through discussing and presenting on various topics. You engage in debates and with real-world situations,and are asked to offer opinions. This courseequips you with the linguistic and cultural skills to discuss more complicated documents, such as articles, literary texts, songs or authentic videos, as well as to take part in conversations with native speakers. By the end of this course, you will have broken the barrier between the “textbook” French and the idiomatic language of native speakers. You will gain confidence and linguistic competence to express yourself, your ideas, aspirations, and opinions,and speak more precisely and with greater ease on various topics. You can engage in debates, and express opinions. This course will provide you with the language and cultural skills to understand documents, such as newspaper articles, literary texts, songs or current media events, as well as take part in conversations with native speakers. By the end of this course, you will have acquired a high standard of fluency.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited to students who have passed French Intermediate 1 or Intermediate 2, orequivalent.
Textbook: No textbook is used during this course. The instructor brings relevant created and authentic materials to class.
Are you passionate about French? Are you interested in understanding better and learning more about the French language and improve your fluency? Did you complete the Intermediate 2 level or equivalent? Then Speak French 6 and preparation for the DELF is your course.
In this course students participate in the selection of topics and materials for discussion. You practice all four language skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing, with the purpose of comprehending documents of a more complex nature. This course gives you the opportunity to practice both oral and written skills through many different themes in authentic materials. You focus on presenting, analyzing and debating various topics extracted from a variety of sources including the press, the Internet, television, literature, songs and films. This requires more refined grammatical skills which you acquire in the process. You also expand your repertoire, improve your language accuracy to attain a more sophisticated level of communication in French and the ability to use your skills for different purposes. By the end of this course, you will be able to understand the main ideas of more complex and abstract texts and speech, produce clear and more detailed texts on a wide range of subjects, express opinion on a variety of issues and interact with greater fluency and ease. This course has a holistic approach to language learning. In this course your will also prepare the DELF B1. The teacher will provide you with all relevant material required to prepare the official test.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited to students who have passed French Intermediate 2 orequivalent.
Textbook: No textbook is used during this course. The instructor brings relevant created and authentic materials to class.
The D.E.L.F. B2 is an indispensable part of the curriculum vitae, especially when it comes to convincing prospective employers of your linguistic qualities and abilities. Indeed, having a diploma in the DELF or DALF exam is indispensable to those who seek employment in a French firm or in a French speaking university. Therefore, if you are currently thinking about taking your French to the next level for personal, educational or professional purposes then it would be ideal for you to take the DELF or DALF preparation course with one of our partner language schools in France. We have teachers with the specialized knowledge and expertise required to help you and guide you when preparing the exam.
The diplomas (DELF, DALF) issued by the French Ministry of Education certify the French language proficiency of foreign students.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited for students who have completed French Upper-Intermediate 2 or equivalent. This course prepares students for the DELF B2 Exam.
At this level, you will become an independent user of the French Language. You will express yourselves fluently and spontaneously.
You will use the vocabulary to make an appropriate expression to introduce your comments and opinions about diverse subjects. You will be able to produce clear, well-structured discourse without hesitation and which shows controlled use of structures.
You will be able to follow a conversation fluently.
You can also join some French Grandes Écoles, CampusFrance files, scholarship applications, Canadian immigration and you can access to some jobs.
Skills :
Listening: the student is able to understand a wide range of topics and recognize idioms and implicit meaning.
Reading: the student is able to read books and understand texts that are more complex.
Speaking: the student is able to express her/himself fluently using colloquial expressions and well-structured expressions in most situations: professional, social, academic, and cultural.
Writing : proficiency is there
Prerequisites: This class is best suited to students who have passed the DELF B2, Upper-Intermediate 3, or equivalent.
Textbook: Édito Niveau C1 (Édition 2018): Cahier + DVD ROM by Santillana Français; Édition : 1 (16 mai 2018).
At this level, sentences become slightly more complex. New native expressions are also introduced to help speak in the near future and in the past. Students can understand frequently used sentences and several expressions. They will be able to understand questions and answer them. They can read more easily a wider range of topics and differentiate a present tense from the past tense. For reading and speaking, learners can use complex expressions related to everyday routine matters and also some challenging subjects such as actuality. They can describe their activities in the past and talk about their projects in the future.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited to students who have passed the Pre-Intermediate 1 part 2 level, or equivalent
Textbook: No textbook is used during this course. The instructor brings relevant materials to class.
At this level, sentences become slightly more complex. New native expressions are also introduced to help speak in the near future and in the past. Students can understand frequently used sentences and several expressions. They will be able to understand questions and answer them. They can read more easily a wider range of topics and differentiate a present tense from the past tense. For reading and speaking, learners can use complex expressions related to everyday routine matters and also some challenging subjects such as actuality. They can describe their activities in the past and talk about their projects in the future.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited to students who have passed the Pre-Intermediate 1 part 2 level, or equivalent
Textbook: No textbook is used during this course. The instructor brings relevant materials to class.
In this course, you will go more deeply into the French language and you will expand your repertoire of expression to move towards fluency. You acquire sufficient linguistic competence to understand and use daily expressions frequently used in any part of the French-speaking world and to interact on a basic level with native speakers. After taking this course, you will be able to perfect your skill in French.
This course is designed to enhance your oral and written communication skills and understanding of everyday French, emphasizing everyday topics and communication with native speakers. At this level, you will expand your vocabulary and grammar and strengthen your capacity to engage in complex conversations. In fact, this is the right course for you to gain confidence and improve your pronunciation. You will develop greater fluency in expressing yourself and interacting with native speakers in some subjects. You will gain language accuracy and hone your oral skills to interact effectively in a variety of situations. After taking this course, you will be able to talk about past and future events, elaborate on your likes and dislikes and start giving your opinion.
Prerequisites: This class is best suited to students who have passed French Conversation, French Pre-Intermediate 1 part 1, or equivalent.
Textbook: No textbook is used during this course. The instructor brings relevant materials to class. Totem Book will be use as well.
This course provides you with the Upper-Intermediate + French language competencies to help you express yourself in French in all life circumstances. You will learn deeply how to give your opinion, present a speech in French, and use various native expressions. In this conversation class, sentences are more complex and challenging. By joining this class, you will be able to handle a wider range of topics and differentiate a present tense from the past tense. You will also learn how to use imparfait, subjonctif, plus ce que parfait, and other tenses in context.
Students who are registered in regular Upper-intermediate classes during the week can also join this class to work on their speaking skills.
Prerequisites: Advanced and Upper-intermediate levels
At this level, the students deepen their class knowledge of vocabulary and grammar through discussing and presenting various topics. They engage in debates and with real-world situations and are asked to offer opinions. This course equips the students with the linguistic and cultural skills to discuss more complicated subjects, texts, songs, or authentic videos, as well as to take part in conversations with native speakers. By the end of this course, students will have broken the barrier between the “textbook” French and the idiomatic language of native speakers.
Prerequisites: Students registered in Fall Pre-Intermediate conversation or students with 80 to 120 hours of French language background
Are you interested in studying in France or currently applying to French universities, living in Canada, or becoming French citizens? Obtaining the B2 or C1 level in French is a requirement. The DELF, Tef, Tefaq are official language examinations aimed at upper-intermediate students of French.
The Proficiency exams course will help you to prepare for the French language exam based on the four skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking and also on the methodology of the test.
Join us and get ready for the Exam with efficient training and certified teachers.
Prerequisites: Students who will take The DELF, Tef Tefaq exams